Who we are?

Cooking Help and Homestay

CHNH's mission

  • To bring people together
  • Culture Exchange
  • Focus on culture and improving community

Why join CHNH?

Well, let’s take a look at some advantages:

If you live in the countryside and you are far from big cities and don’t have access to international restaurants, you can have someone in your home who will cook for you!

  • It’s a way to know about other culture
  • It’s a way to make friend
  • Practice foreign language

If you are a good cook:

  • You can go out of the city for a day or weekend or more
  • Spend time with other people
  • Learn about their culture
  • Improve the language you’re learning
  • Make friends

CHNH's goal:

Our goal is to provide a personalized and culturally sensitive homestay experience that includes cooking assistance, culture exchange, make friends and language support while fostering a sense of community and belonging